Our first installation of 2020 is currently underway at the corner of 9th Ave and Albion St in Denver, CO. We started working with our client Continuum Partners in 2018 to establish the vision for the art programming at their redevelopment project at 9th Ave and Colorado Blvd. This project reintegrates the former 26-acre University of Colorado School of Medicine campus into the surrounding neighborhood fabric by blending apartments and townhomes with retail, offices and new public green spaces. We had the pleasure of working with two Denver based painters, Kevin Sloan and Daisy Patton (who has since relocated to Massachusetts) starting in 2018 to create the two installations that were completed in 2019 for Block 7 of this project.
Site plan courtesy of Continuum Partners.
We’re very excited to announce that installation for our third project on this site is currently underway with yet another Denver based painter, Andrew Huffman. For Block 4 Huffman was commissioned to create two paintings that would serve as focal points on the exterior of a parking garage. Choosing his color palate carefully, Huffman created two striking, bold, patterned, geometric compositions that add vibrant focal points to the North and East entrances of the parking garage.
Modulated 32 (#1) & Modulated 32 (#2) both employ the same pentagonal tessellation pattern and color palates but differ in the placement of the colors creating a visual conversation between the two compositions as you round the corner of the building. The works are named for the 32 colors used in each composition.
In order to scale the work properly for the site Huffman created the two paintings at 1/12 the size of the final printed Structurflex panels which measure 47’ 1” x 32’ (North) and 49’ 1” x 40’ 11” (East).
Pictured: Modulated 32 (#1) (north)
Pictured: Modulated 32 (#1) (east)
You might recall our use of Structurflex in our project for Block 7 with Daisy Patton which paired a hand painted mural with Sturcturflex panels to bring Patton’s original composition to life. If you find yourself in the Denver area make sure to see these works in person and stay tuned for final installation photos coming soon.