We know these are challenging times but we’re inspired by the art communities’ response to this crisis. Artists and arts organizations around the world are struggling right now with the cancellation of events and loss of income so we wanted to compile a list of some great resources pooled from these incredible organizations RedLine Denver, American for the Arts, Creative Capital, & CBCA. If we overlooked any resources please feel free to add them in the comments section below and we’ll update the post.
RedLine Denver has put together a short survey for Colorado artists to fill out to help them to best understand and respond to artists needs during the COVID-19 crisis.
Americans for the Arts are gathering data and impact stories through this survey link. The survey will capture a broad spectrum of data and stories that will demonstrate how the arts and culture workers triumphed and survived this crisis as well as the effect of the outbreak on operations through cancelled events, lost wages, and additional expenses.
Denver Arts & Venues has created the IMAGINE 2020 Artist Assistance Fund to support individual artists who are experiencing immediate, unforeseen emergency needs due to COVID-19. Through the IMAGINE 2020 Artist Assistance Fund, Denver Arts & Venues has allocated $130,000 towards grants of up to $1,000 to individual artists who live in Denver whose incomes are being adversely affected due to cancellation of events, classes, performances, and other creative work.
CERF+ Announces Formation of COVID-19 Response Fund (artists can apply for relief here and if you are able to you can donate to their relief fund efforts).
https://www.westword.com/arts/denver-artists-find-solutions-to-paychecks-lost-to-coronavirus-cancellations-11663671 (this article is a great resource for those looking to support local artists as well as artists looking for support).
https://creative-capital.org/2020/03/13/list-of-arts-resources-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/ (an excellent resource for arts resources during the COVID-19 outbreak).
https://www.gofundme.com/f/denver-metro-area-artist-relief-fund (GoFundMe set up by Merhia Wiese is taking applications from artists from under-resourced backgrounds and collecting donations for the Metro Area Artist Relief Fund).
Freelance Artist Resources offers a list of resources specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community, including actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, and more.
ArtsReady is your cultural organization’s online source for readiness resources, and a web application that can make disaster planning easy.
Colorado Artist Relief Fund set up by Amber Blais is taking applications from Colorado artists in need and collecting donations to allow Colorado’s art community to continue to thrive in this difficult time.
Boston established an artist relief fund.
Ijeoma Oluo has started a GoFundMe campaign to support artists in Seattle affected by COVID-19.
The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) and The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation announced a Medical Emergency grant program for artists.
The Columbus Foundation has launched a relief fund. Applications may be submitted that detail and document unexpected loss of revenue and/or unexpected increases in expenses directly related to the Coronavirus’s effect on 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in Franklin County, Ohio.
Springboard for the Arts has several resources and relief funds for artists in Minnesota.
Art News reports that New York small art galleries and NPOs could be eligible for emergency funds.
NYFA Emergency Grants List has a running list of additional emergency grant opportunities for artists, categorized by disciplines.
W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund
Performing Arts:
Doris Duke Foundation
Actors Fund Entertainment Assistance Program provides services and financial support to entertainment professionals facing personal or work-related problems. It is also a conduit for emergency financial assistance in times of pressing need or in response to catastrophic events.
The Blues Foundation HART Fund is available to Blues musicians and their families who are in financial need due to a broad range of health concerns.
Musicians Foundation is accepting aid applications.
Fine Arts:
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
The Gottlieb Foundation Individual Support Grant
AAM's The Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Grant
Joan Mitchell Foundation
Authors League Fund helps professional writers in financial need because of medical or health-related problems, temporary loss of income, or other misfortune by providing no-strings-attached “loans” to pay for pressing expenses.
PEN American Writers’ Emergency Fund is a small grants program for professional—published or produced—writers in acute or unexpected financial crisis. Depending on the situation and level of need, grants are in the range of $2,000.
All Fields:
Harpo Foundation
John Simon Guggenheim Fellowships
Creative Capital Foundation
The Adolph & Esther Gottlieb Foundation
Graham Foundation
Artist Grant
Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant
If you are looking for ways to support your local arts community consider reaching out to artists directly. Many artists are hosting online sales and posting works for sale on their social media accounts. If you purchased tickets to an upcoming arts event that has now been cancelled or postponed consider the economic impact on the artists and organizations and don’t ask for a refund (if possible), think of your purchase as a donation. Donate to relief efforts in your local community (there are many links outlined above where you can donate). Stay engaged in your local arts community online, many museum and galleries are offering virtual tours of their spaces. Ohio based painter Benjamin Cook started the Instagram account @socialdistancegallery to provide an online platform to showcase BFA & MFA thesis shows amid the pandemic. Most importantly practice social distancing and stay home if you are able to.